The above strands are 5'-TCG-3' (initially on the left side and reading top to bottom) and 5'-CGA-3' (right side; reading BOTTOM to TOP because this strand is 'anti-parallel' to the other. Use the 'Ribose-Phosphate' labeling @ right to clarify).

The above strands are 5'-CGC-3' (initially on the left side and reading top to bottom) and 5'-GCG-3' (right side; reading BOTTOM to TOP (anti-parallel).

Specificity in DNA sequences

Two different DNA sequences. There is very limited flexibility within bases. Baby blue denotes a hydrogen atom with somewhat positive charge; pink oxygen atoms are somewhat negative (only the atoms involved in basepairing are colored; one strand has black halos). Backbone phosphorous are orange.

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©2022 Bruce Patterson