A smorgasbord of thinking things

Problem solving: general guide, methods

Content Brief description Site(s)
1 George Polya: Strategies Polya observed and considered how to teach students problem solving. Here's his distilled wisdom ThinkBio Polya
2 Bruce says I've thought and taught for a long time. Here's what I think I've learned ThinkBio ProbSolve
5 It's about connections The difference between information and understand; facts and knowledge Belle Cooper
10 Thinking all the time   Thorin Klosowski
3 List of strategies A-Z list; a bit cute but some good suggestions. Some folks turn things like this into cards and grab one at random to jolt ideas TeachThought


Content Brief description Site(s)
1 Analogical thinking Einstein did it; some claim ALL scientific thinking is analogical David Brill
5 The science of idea-having Stepwise guide Belle Cooper


Shower thoughts Ideas come in the shower (or the trail, or the swim) for reasons Lifehacker
15 Being creative Some suggestions, techniques EducatorsTech
20 Focus, FTW! 'Smart' method claims Fast Company


Content Brief description Site(s)
  Logic Diagrams Laying out arguments visually strips away noise; clarifies issues

thinkBio view

Princeton FRS104 course

1 Socratic method visual You can be a great teacher... of yourself. Graphic explains the high points PBS website
1 Better intuiting Intuition is a real thing; you can train yours Eric Ravenscraft
1 Seeing is thinking Visualizing can pull in useful brain bits for thinking Web link


Content Brief description Site(s)
1 Deduce the unseen Derived from old 'BlackBox' game, with some twists thinkBio QuantumMine
2 Find the underlying rules Intuition is a real thing; you can train yours thinkBio PatternMaster
4 Petals around the Rose There are no variants, but the once through can be quite a ride. Intro and links
5 Bongard problems Really engaging set of 'find the pattern' cards; fun for groups Explanation and link
7 Tatham problem collection A varied (and variable) set of games to develop your 'figuring out' chops Overview and link

No, you're not a multi-tasker

Content Brief description Site(s)
1 Stress, studies, outcomes Ben Slater on illusion vs. reality Web link
2 More facts, more failure Julie Neidlinger on what the studies show Web link
20 Focus, FTW! 'Smart' method claims Web link
3 Aaaand it breaks your brain Minda Zetlin in Inc.5000 Web link