Atoms => Molecules... & their properties
mineral, not vegetable, oil must be used. Latter has a polar headgroup and is too polar
Instructor guide will be available... someday. Just try 'em!
Item Actions Observations Ideas
3 Simple molecule viewer View molecules as chemists represent them... or as they actually are (showing regions of charge and neutrality) (not all features implemented)
4 Guided exploration of the bizarrities of water Water lab (Currently, no teacher's guide, but hey--it's science, so... or e-mail me!)
10a Create static using a balloon rubbed in hair (if too humid, use 'static wand'), pour thin streams of water and mineral oil pasted the charged item Do both streams 'feel' the charged item? Who is charged?
10b Cowardly pepper Sprinkle a thin layer of ground pepper on pure water. Touch a toothpick that has been dipped in detergent to the surface Why does the pepper flee? (Hint: pepper is just 'reporting' on movement at water's surface)
10c Oil, water, wax paper, aluminum foil place drops of each liquid on flat surface of each covering Do liquids cohere? Do they spread?
20a Alcohol and water Make 4 tubes, each containing 1 ml water and 1 ml alcohol (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol). See StructViewer software for 3D structures Who mixes? What is this revealing?
20b Alcohol and water II add saturating amount (1ml should do) of NaCl to the alcohol-water mixtures. Shake vigorously, wait. What happens to which tubes? What does this say about Water, NaCl, and the alcohols?
20c Alcohol and water III [this one isn't confirmed...] try a doubly ionic salt (Ca++, Ba++) instead of single (Na+)